We carefully select for you special fly fishing products, which are the best for fishing trout and grayling in European rivers. We are focused on dry fishing, modern nymph methods and streamer techniques.
What we offer, we proudly use, everything is carefully tested and used in our rivers. By the way, the Otava river, one of the best Czech salmonid streams, is just 5 minutes from our fly shop in Susice.
What you will get from us:
Jan Šiman - the founder and owner of www.goflyfish.cz
... I have been interested in fly-fishing since I was thirteen, I prefer fly-fishing in the Šumava rivers Otava, Křemelná, Vltava or Volynka. I also enjoy fly-fishing in Scandinavia, Slovenia and Poland. Trout, grayling and salmon are my favourite species to catch. I prefer fly fishing dry fly, with nymphs and streamers.
I was a member of the Czech national fly-fishing team at the World Championships in Great Britain in 1990 where we won a gold medal in the team competition. I also attended the World Championships in Italy (1992) and Canada (1993).
Professionally, I have worked in fly-fishing since 1990 and my company also manufactures and exports fly-fishing products, I organize courses of Czech Nymph fishing for my Czech and foreign clients for many years and I work as a fly-fishing guide in the Šumava too...
Customer from the USA-Colorado
Dominique Schaeck, Francie